Ice Burner: Ascending Dragon

Pierce the clouds with dignity and spirit as you harness the power of the dragon! Ascending Dragon Ice Burner Set is now available for sale at the Item Mall

Lithia Items

Drop the heavy armor and don something light, fun, and cute. Dress up Lithia in summer appropriate attires and let her have a bit of a tan!

Lithia IB Items

If you’re geared up and ready to ride the tide, then Lithia’s newest IB selections are for you! Don these majestic and powerful ensembles to bring foes to their knees!

New Mount: Elrios Tour Tram

With rails aligned and stations ready; it’s time to take the next journey! Elrios Tour Tram is now available at the Item Mall for a limited time.

Quirky and Cute Costumes

Whether your goal is to look fun or shock people, these costumes for Ain, Laby, Noah, and Lithia will surely be head-turners! Add a little quirkiness to your day!