First Preparation for a New Adventure!
Choose how to get your rewards:
Clear 30 dungeons within your level range or win 10 PVP matches weekly!
Level 10 and up; per account
[Luriel] El’s Hammer
(30 Days) x1
[Cobo] Blessed
Fluorite Ore x5
[Cobo] Blessed
Restoration Scroll x3
Second Preparation for a New Adventure!
Login once for 10 cumulative minutes and get this cube to start your lucky enhancements!
It’s super simple!
Level 10 and up; per account
[Cobo] Lucky Enhancement
Equipment (2) Cube
Lucky Enhancement Equipment Cube x1 +7 Lucky Enhancement Equipment x2


*You can extract 1 Lucky Magic Amulet per Lucky Enhancement Equipment.
*To extract, your Lucky Enhancement Equipment must be Lv. 8 or higher
*You must have 1 [Cobo] Blessed Fluorite Ore and 1 [Cobo] Blessed Restoration Scroll to be able to extract.
*Regular Blessed Fluorite Ore and Blessed Restoration Scroll may also be used, however, the [Cobo] version will
be consumed first if both items are present in the inventory.
*Unused [Luriel] El’s Hammer (30 Days), Lucky Enhancement Equipment (2) Cube, +7 Lucky Enhancement Equipment
will be deleted on 01/09/2024 (23:59 PST)
*Unused [Cobo] Blessed Fluorite Ore and [Cobo] Blessed Restoration Scroll will be deleted on 01/09/2024 (23:59 PST)
Third Preparation for a New Adventure
Don’t miss out on this amazing enhancement deal!