Lithia 1st Path Trailer Sharing Event
- Click the image to be redirected to Lithia’s 1st Path Trailer.
- Navigate to the Share button and share it on your social media.
- Use #Lithia so we can find you!
- Include your Nickname and Server on the post to validate your entry.
NOTE: Don’t forget to make your post Public!
5 winners per week during January

Lithia’s Favorite Skill Screenshot Event
- Take a screenshot of Lithia using your favorite skill.
- Post the screenshot on your social media.
- Use #Lithiaskills on your post!
- Include your Nickname and Server on the post to validate your entry.
NOTE: Don’t forget to make your post Public!
5 winners per week during January

What Did You Name Your Lithia? Event
- Create a Lithia and post a screenshot of what you named her.
- Post the screenshot on your social media.
- Use #MyLithiaName so we can find you!
- Include your Nickname and Server on the post to validate your entry.
NOTE: Don’t forget to make your post Public!
5 winners per week during January
*Players are allowed to join all 3 events for more chances of winning!
*You may participate in any of the events through Facebook, X, and Instagram!