A new region of the demon realm opens!
Find out what adventures and encounters await our heroes as they continue their journey!

Clear [Dungeon] Entering Rigomor (Clear Shadow Vein) quest to enter the new region.

Dungeon Info

No. of Players Req: 1 – 4
Required Level: 99
Required Combat Power: 350,000 or higher
Demon Realm Debuff: 50%

Dungeon Info

No. of Players Req: 1 – 4
Required Level: 99
Required Combat Power: 400,000 or higher
Demon Realm Debuff: 50%


A new armor set has been added!
Check out the 6 types of sets available and their unique set effects!

Armor Name

Set Name

4-Set Effect
(Top, Bottom, Gloves, Shoes)

Amethystine Prophecy – Vermillion Balance Physical, Magical Attack Power 7%, 
All Skill Damage Increase 7%
Amethystine Prophecy – Crimson Extreme Polarize 20%
Amethystine Prophecy – Cerulean Accelerate MP Cost -10%,
20% chance to reset the cooldown of the skill used, 
Physical, Magical Attack Power 3%
Amethystine Prophecy – Cobalt Amplify MP Cost +15%, 
Physical, Magical Attack Power +12%
Amethystine Prophecy – Sage Support Buff – Party Skill Damage Increase 10%, 
Buff – Party Critical Damage Increase 10%
Amethystine Prophecy – Violet Compete MP Cost -5%, 
Max HP +10%, 
Damage Reduction +10%, Physical,
Magical Attack Power 5%, 
All Element Resistance 150


Using these 2 materials, you can craft the pieces of the set through
the Elrianode Equipment Refiner (Blacksmith NPC)!
Spectral Amethyst Glaciem
Can be obtained through New Region Daily Quests or dropped at the New Region dungeons at a low rate.
Dropped at New Region dungeons


  • Players can either combine Spectral Amethysts with Glaciem to use less Spectral Amethysts
  • Or use more Spectral Amethysts with no need for Glaciem.


Use Spectral Amethysts and Glaciem to reforge your Amethystine Prophecy Sets!
  Reforged sets will have increased stats and reforge effects based on the reforge stage!
• Each piece has Reforge Durability. Each time you attempt reforge the equipment, Reforge Durability will decrease by 1.
• You will no longer be able to reforge your equipment once your Reforge Durability reaches 0. You can use Reforge Equipment Recovery items to reforge again.
• (Chlorite Seed: Dungeon Drop / Blessed Chlorite Seed: Item Mall)
  • The quest [Dungeon] Entering the Demon Realm will be changed to [Dungeon] Entering Varnimyr. Clearing this quest will activate another Epic Quest.
  • Players need access to Varnimyr before they can access the quest that allows players to enter the new region “Rigomor”.

Take note of the changes of the clearing conditions for Demon Realm quest:

Clear Hall of El, Water Dragon Sanctum, Elrianode City, Debrian Laboratory, El Tower Defense, Forgotten Elrian Sanctum once each

Clear Forgotten Elrian Sanctum once
