Here’s a little something to help you on your journey to Rigomor!
Just login for 20 accumulative minutes!
Level 10 and up; per account

08/14 – 08/20 (23:59 PDT)


08/21 – 08/27 (23:59 PDT)


[Cobo] Leviathan Fragment (7 Days)


[Cobo] Complete Energy
Conversion Device (7 Days)

[Cobo] Henir Again? (7 Days)

[Cobo] Leviathan (7 Days)


[Cobo] Boom! (7 Days)

[Cobo] Extreme Alternative (7 Days)

[Cobo] Sea of Ruin
Dungeon Title Trial Cube

(Hover to view)

[Cobo] Abandoned Deep-Sea Tunnel
Dungeon Title Trial Cube

(Hover to view)

*Event mail deleted on 08/21


*Event mail deleted on 08/28

These daily quests will give you rewards to help you craft the new armor faster!
Level 99; per account


Clear Sea of Ruin twice


Spectral Amethyst x2


Clear Abandoned
Deep-Sea Tunnel twice


Spectral Amethyst x2
