- 2024-09-25 00:00 AM ~ 2024-09-25 02:30 AM PDT

★ Added
- 2024 Harmony Festival Event [View]
(2024-09-25 00:00 ~ 2024-10-22 23:59)
★ On-going
- Senpai, Carry Me in Raid! Event [View]
(2024-08-14 00:00 ~ 2024-10-08 23:59) - Hyper Punch Master Event [View]
(2024-08-14 00:00 ~ 2024-10-08 23:59) - +11 Vestige of Soul Weapon Provision Event [View]
(2024-08-14 00:00 ~ 2024-10-08 23:59) - Enhancement Event [View]
(2024-09-11 00:00 ~ 2024-10-08 23:59) - Magmelia Firework Event (Ascending Dragon) [View]
(2024-09-11 00:00 ~ 2024-10-08 23:59) - Magmelia Gift Shop [View]
(2024-09-11 00:00 ~ 2024-10-08 23:59)
★ Ended
- Path to Becoming Stronger Event [View]
(2024-08-28 00:00 ~ 2024-09-24 23:59) -
To Serpentium! Event[View]
(2024-09-11 00:00 ~ 2024-09-24 23:59)

★ Added
- Iconic Record Costume [View]
(2024-09-25 00:00 ~ 2024-10-22 23:59) - Harmony Festival Costume Suit [View]
(2024-09-25 00:00 ~ 2024-10-22 23:59) - Lithia Henir – Lord of Time and Space Ice Burner [View]
(2024-09-25 00:00 ~ 2024-11-19 23:59) - Lithia Henir – Lord of Time and Space 1+1 Ice Burner Package [View]
(2024-09-25 00:00 ~ 2024-10-01 23:59) - Lithia Black Mass Ice Burner [View]
(2024-09-25 00:00 ~ 2024-11-19 23:59) - Lithia Black Mass 1+1 Ice Burner Package [View]
(2024-09-25 00:00 ~ 2024-10-01 23:59)
★ Ended
- Lithia Ocean’s Dance Custom Motion [View]
(2024-07-31 00:00 ~ 2024-09-24 23:59) - Chiffon Costa Costume [View]
(2024-08-28 00:00 ~ 2024-09-24 23:59)

★ Improved Abyss Raid
- Sunken Holy Ground
- Abyss Worshiper (Phase 1)
- Reduced the MP reduction from incense.
- Reduced the gauge escalation for the Altar.
- Abyss Fanatic (Phase 2)
- Reduced the defense power for summoned incense during the blackout phase.
- Abyss Worshiper (Phase 1)
- Blooming Mineral Field
- Dreaming Hatchling (Phase 1)
- Increased damage done to the barrier when the mineral is destroyed.
- Awakened Myuriconus (Phase 2)
- Changed the max stack of Sea Current Adaptation buff to 5 stacks. Changed the plant to provide 5 stacks when obtained.
- Dreaming Hatchling (Phase 1)
- Nightmare’s Crib
- Increased stack count needed to change to Confusion debuff from Corrosion debuff from 10 to 20 stacks.
- Birth of Origin (Phase 3)
- Greatly reduced the damage of the Abyss Orb Release.
- Changed the Giant Abyss Meteor so that it will stop it in place for a short while after the incapacitating debuff (freeze/petrify) wears off.
- Unstable Power Unleash mechanic is changed so that the matching symbols are automatically applied to characters that are alive.
- Greatly reduced the movement speed of Abyss and Shadow Orbs during the Orb Absorption mechanic.
- Greatly reduced the damage of Abyss Orb Release and Black Hole when the King of Abyss is in Berserk state.
- Improved so that the magic circle for matching symbols from Unstable Power Unleash mechanic will not spawn on both ends of the map.
★ Improved Submergence of Abyss – Phantom Weapon Acquisition and Weapon Advancement Quest
- Increased the Abyss Aura Purification Rate which increases when players press the [Receive] button for Abyss Raid or when [Abyss Aura Purifier] is used.
※ The Abyss Aura Purification Rate obtained before the change will be adjusted to the percentage of the improved Purification Rate after the update.
※ The maximum Abyss Aura Purification Rate applied after the update will not exceed 100%. - Improved Submergence of Abyss – Phantom Weapon Advancement Quest.
Stage Advancement Quest Before After 1 Clear Tirnog Region Dungeon 50 10 2 Clear Shadow Earl’s Castle 75 20 3 Clear Abyss Raid 50 20 4 Collect Heart Core Shard 24 12 5 Collect Heart Core 25 11
★ Guild Master Delegation Process Revamp
- Guild Master Delegation will be improved to have additional confirmation via text entry.
★ Character
- [Common]
- Elite Tailor Hairs listed below are changed to now be dyeable.
Character Item Name Elsword ~ Noah Elite Tailor Hair – Classic Course Elsword ~ Noah Elite Tailor Hair – Master Course - Henir – Lord of Time and Space Hair listed below is changed to now be dyeable.
Character Item Name Elsword ~ Noah Henir – Lord of Time and Space Hair
- Elite Tailor Hairs listed below are changed to now be dyeable.
- [Ara]
- [Devi]
- Fixed a bug where the tooltip did not match the actual effects for the Terror of Rakshasa debuff from Chi Release.
- [Devi]
- [Elesis]
- [Crimson Avenger]
- Fixed a bug where the Time Stop would not be applied as intended when Blood Explosion skill is used.
- [Crimson Avenger]
- [Add]
- [Mad Paradox]
- Fixed a bug where Moonlight Rhapsody and Time Traveler buffs unintentionally displayed on the Character 1 line.
- Fixed a bug where DP would not be restored when [Mod] Moonlight Breaker is used.
- [Mad Paradox]
- [Laby]
- Removed the following text for the tutorial dungeon help.
Removed Text) Target hit enters groggy state.
- Removed the following text for the tutorial dungeon help.
- [Lithia]
- Fixed a bug where the appearance would not display as intended when ELS Spring Rain Shoes are equipped.
★ Pet and Mount
- Improved the sleep sound unintentionally looping when the pets listed below are asleep.
Pet Name Pet: Recluse Automata Pet: Annihilator Automata
★ Dungeon/PvP/Field
- Fixed a bug where the character would be unintentionally fixed to the ground when using a jump attack under certain circumstances while playing in Hunter’s Hideout.
- Fixed a bug where the character is not pushed as intended when attacked by the cart android in Fabricated City.
- Fixed a bug where the buff UI would unintentionally move to a different location under certain circumstances when logged in.
- Fixed a bug where certain background music from El House music player was not playing as intended under certain circumstances.