• 2024-03-27 00:00 ~ 2024-03-27 3:30 AM PDT
  • Character Balance Update
  • PvP League Reset
  • El House Improvement

★ Added

  • Class Change Event
    (2024-03-27 00:00 ~ 2024-04-09 23:59)

★ On-going

  • Powerful Punch Master Event
    (2024-03-13 00:00 ~ 2024-04-09 23:59)
  • Break Limit Powerful Punch Master Event
    (2024-03-13 00:00 ~ 2024-04-09 23:59)

★ Ended

  • Cobo Company Attendance Event
    (2024-01-31 00:00 ~ 2024-03-26 23:59)
  • Lithia 2nd Path Update Event
    (2024-02-28 00:00 ~ 2024-03-26 23:59)

★ Added

  • El House DIY: Forest Friends
    (2024-03-27 00:00 ~ 2024-07-16 23:59)
  • Re-Order Shop: Accessory
    • Goatman
    • Frost Pixie
    • 2017 Winter Casual
    • Hamster

    (2024-03-27 00:00 ~ 2024-04-09 23:59)

  • Lithia Velder Academy Uniform
    (2024-03-27 00:00 ~ 2024-05-21 23:59)
  • Lithia Selfie 101! Custom Idle Motion
    (2024-03-27 00:00 ~ Permanent)
  • Lithia Fluttering Heart (Ver. Secret) Skill Cut-in
    (2024-03-27 00:00 ~ Permanent)

★Secret Dungeon Reward ED Adjustment Pre-Announcement
From the overall ED Gain data collected from last year 2023-12-06 Secret Dungeon Revamp update to now, we believe that the polarization of obtainable ED has been partly resolved.

However, we have noticed the ED Gain from Secret Dungeons have increased 4 times since the Secret Dungeon update, and the overall ED Gain up to 2 times. This numbers have far over-exceeded our expectations, and brings concern that it may be a major factor in ED value dropping in the long run. To prevent this outcome, we will be adjusting some of Secret Dungeon ED Gain.

When looking at the ED Gain per CP stage in the Secret dungeon, the farming based on CP has been functioning mostly as intended. We intend to adjust the ED gain only in stage 3 and stage 4, as the amount of ED gained from stage 1 and stage 2 have not been extensive, and we acknowledge the importance of early-game ED acquisition.

Stage Required Combat Power Reward ED (Before) Reward ED (After)
1 500,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
2 1,500,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
3 2,500,000 20,000,000 14,000,000
4 5,000,000 30,000,000 21,000,000

We understand that the issue of adjusting the amount of ED gain is a sensitive matter and approach it as such, especially because ED acquisition is directly connected to the game’s economy.

However, even with all this consideration, we believe the current ED gain in Secret Dungeon will have a major impact in future ED value and the overall game economy; therefore, it is imperative to make adjustments now.

The above adjustments will be applied with the 4-24 maintenance. We will continue to check on the issue of ED Gain and make sure that all Elsword adventurers can enjoy a stable game environment.

★ Event Details Text UI Improvement

  • After 3-27 maintenance, the lower guide area in the game event UI will be removed, but the details of how to proceed with the events (explanations) and warnings will be available through hovering the mouse on the button within the event UI.

★ Lithia Event Dungeon Reward Added

  • After 3-27 maintenance, Lithia character can open Velder Academy Library, Velder Academy Athletic Meet event dungeon exchange reward cube.

★ El House Improvement

  • El House Music List has been added.
    • Added 4 new categories.
      • Lithia Region
      • Tirnog
      • Abyss
      • Monaterra
    • Added 2 Village Background Music.
      • Beyond the Rift
      • Magmelia
    • Added 41 Dungeon Background Music
      • Memory Shard
      • Tirnog
      • Abyss
      • Monaterra
  • You can craft [Luriel] Wooden Picture Frame (Lithia) through NPC Ariel.

★ Character


  • Fixed certain characters having no difference in expression when HP drops under a certain amount.


  • Fixed unnatural hand color when equipping Velder Academy Uniform Gloves.


  • Fixed Heart El Shining Change Top Piece – Star River ribbon not matching with the icon when equipping it.

[Aether Sage]

  • Fixed Aether Sage double casting chain skills sometimes being used twice.


  • Fixed unnatural graphics when equipping Spring Lolita Mask with Viable Field Mask.

[Rage Hearts]

  • Fixed missing text in Awakened Rage skill tooltip. Before) Additional Hit Damage After) Additional Hit Damage (Physical + Magical Average)


  • Energy sync is improved to fixed host and non-host energy amount being different in certain situations.


  • Fixed unnatural graphics around the neck during Idle Motion when equipping Star Academy Top Piece.


  • Fixed unnatural graphics when equipping Elrios Schoolwear Pleated Skirt (Pink).
  • Fixed unnatural graphics around the legs when equipping Orange-aid Shoes


  • When entering Deep-Sea Passage: Emergency Crisis, fixed character falling below the platform from the starting location.


  • Fixed incorrect message popping up when entering the Special Action (V) key with Add 1st, 2nd, 3rd path.
  • The look that was visible around the chin when equipping [Luriel] Avarice Coin will now be visible around the mouth

[Psychic Tracer]

  • Fixed Particle Storm skill’s storm location forming at the wrong location in certain situations.


  • Fixed Install – Zero Kelvin Generator [Enhance] not applying when Flotilla Stage 4 Fusion Factory effect is applied.

[Tempest Burster]

  • Fixed [Mod] Quantum Bomb skill sometimes targeting dungeon obstacles.


  • Fixed Daydreamer portrait hair being shown as partially cut off.

[Second Selection]

  • Fixed being able to skip skill motion by activating card while being unable to act Circulation.

★ Dungeon/PvP/Field

  • In Challenge Mode – Hadron, fixed summons obtaining Hadron’s Aura.

★ Item

  • Fixed Shakti Promotion Spear weapon icon’s spear direction to be identical to other spear weapon icons.
  • Fixed not being able to use Mystic Stone Change Ticket on [Ariel] Flames of Judgement – Demonic Pickaxe weapon.
  • The below epic quest reward will be standardized to the following for Elsword ~ Ain characters.
    Before – [Cobo] Stamina Potion
    After – [Ariel] Stam
[Village] Determined Minds
[Village] Save My Dad!
Save the Blacksmith!
[Village] To Elysion Tower
[Village] Founder of the Nasods
[Village] What Can’t Be Decided


  • When in a party, fixed Title Switching UI not ending when entering a dungeon.
  • Fixed not being able to portrait right-click invite party with certain steps.
  • Fixed title effect before change remaining when using title switch in certain situations.
  • When fixed NPCs that cannot be knocked down being knocked down in certain situations when applying petrified effect to these NPCs.
  • Fixed pet auto consume upgrade’s timer being reset when a party member resurrects.
  • When searching certain words from Market Board, fixed the items containing that certain word not coming up in the search.
  • When changing resolution in window mode, fixed the window size not being proportion to the selected resolution.
  • The UI being shown when duplication report for the same reason on the dungeon result screen will be changed to the new UI.

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