
  • 2022-09-28 00:00 ~ 2022-09-28 02:30 AM PDT


  • PvP League Reset
  • Character Balance Update
  • UI Revamp
  • Abyss Raid Revamp

★ Added

  • Class Change Event
    (2022-09-28 00:00 ~ 2022-10-04 23:59)
  • Fall Attendance Event
    (2022-09-28 00:00 ~ 2022-10-11 23:59)

★ Ended

  • Laby 4th Path Update Event
    (2022-09-14 00:00 ~ 2022-09-27 23:59)
  • Laby 4th Path Growth Event
    (2022-09-14 00:00 ~ 2022-09-27 23:59)
  • Raid Support Event
    (2022-08-31 00:00 ~ 2022-09-27 23:59)

[Cash Items]
★ Added

  • High Teen Cheerleader Costume
    (2022-09-28 00:00 ~ 2022-10-25 23:59)

★ Ended

  • Demon Banquet Costume
    (2022-08-31 00:00 ~ 2022-09-27 23:59)
  • Noah Divinity of Seven Realms 1+1 Ice Burner Package (Buying Limit: 10)
    (2022-09-21 00:00 ~ 2022-09-27 23:59)

★ Temporary Item Info Added

  • Temporary Item information is added to be visible to allow players to check info at once glance and use the items before they expire.
    • Temporary items in character inventory, character UI, select cube, NPC craft list and others will have a clock shaped icon.
      • The clock shaped icon will blink for items that will be deleted within 24 hours.
    • When exiting the game (System>Character Select/Exit), players can see the list of items that will be deleted within 24 hours from the character inventory and bank (including shared). A tooltip will pop-up that shows the location of the item when players mouse over them. The item location will be categorized between ‘Inventory, Currently Equipped, Bank, and Shared Bank’.
    • To provide accurate information on temporary items, players will no longer be able to store temporary items in Pet Inventory after 9/28.
      • Temporary items that were stored in Pet Inventory before the update will not be shown in the exit alert.
      • The temporary items stored in Pet Inventory before the update will remain stored in the inventory but cannot be put back in Pet Inventory after it’s removed.

★ Abyss Raid Additional Improvement

  • Sunken Holy Ground
    • Abyss Worshiper and Abyss Fanatic’s defense and HP will be adjusted.
    • Abyss Worshiper’s altar connect pattern’s damage is decreased.
    • Abyss Fanatic’s summoning the mark will no longer move on immediately to the blackout pattern.
    • The effect of the projectile shot by the small altar within the Abyss door will be optimized.
    Blooming Mineral Field
    • Dreaming Hatchling’s AOE laser attack hitbox will decrease for Dreaming Hatchling.
    Birth of Origin
    • Unstable Abyss Aura summoned by Shadow of Greed will be synched better between clients.
    • Unstable Abyss Aura summoned by King of Abyss will be synched better between clients.
    • Unstable Abyss Aura and ultimate attack’s magic circle will not appear from the location of the hand of King of Abyss.
    • Dreaming Hatchling summoned through the special phase will not have just a small platform to dodge the AOE laser attack.
    • Dreaming Hatchling summoned through the special phase will have the AOE laser attack hit box will decrease.

★ Character

[Dark Knight]

  • Fixed players hit by →→↑Z(→)X command not seeming like they were hit by the command on their screen.


  • Fixed a line appearing between the face and body when wearing Adventurer Hedgehog Costume Suit in middle graphics.


  • Fixed Custom: Peaceful Rest motion’s awkward shoulder motion.

[Punky Poppet]

  • Fixed More Mischief passive not having [Changed Inner Aura Effect] in PvP tooltip.

★ Dungeon/Field

  • Fixed red dot showing in first stage, boss stage of each mode of Hall of El even when there are no monsters there.
  • Fixed Mark debuff not being removed even when hit by mark in Sunken Holy Ground phase 2.
  • Fixed spider web explosion pattern in Sunken Holy Ground phase 2 sometimes causing frame drop or stop in progression (lag).
  • Fixed Birth of Origin phase 1 blackhole wipe pattern effecting time stop.
  • Fixed certain lines from The Great Zombie Invasion Dungeon coming out of the UI in certain resolutions.
  • Fixed red dot showing in first stage mini map even when there are no monsters there.
  • Fixed being able to go on top of the highest ceiling on the top right in Shadow Earl’s Castle stage 1-2.

★ Item

  • Fixed certain items like Night Sky Drapes, Midnight Circus Tent etc. not changing effect size along with the character size.

★ Pet, Mount

  • Fixed not being able to right-click pet in certain conditions.


  • Exit UI will change to match the new UI design.
  • The color of sub-button (Auto-Consume, Digest etc) for Pet and Mount UI is changed to help distinguish it from inactive button color.
  • Pruinaum Outskirts and Tirnog title collection achievements are added.
    Region Achievement Name Condition
    Pruinaum Outskirts Stopped the Awakened Beast Collect 2 Pruinaum Outskirts Titles (Excludes Plegas’ Labyrinth titles)
    Tirnog The Day is Too Short in Magmelia Collect 6 Tirnog Titles (Excludes Abyss Raid titles)
  • Tenebrous equipment’s buff to Nearby Party per 500K CP range has been improved.
  • Fixed unnatural UI ratio in certain resolutions.
  • Fixed unnatural character/per account mark at top left corner in detailed quest info in certain resolutions.
  • Fixed being able to remove Artifact Equipment in certain situations during fishing.
  • Fixed so that Big Boss UI remaining time is not affected by the time settings of individual PCs.

★ Character Balance

Character Mod Skill Name Before After
Sword Knight Armor Break Traits have changed. Killing Blow (2) → Haste
Knight Emperor O Armor Break [Dungeon]
Strong Hit (Physical): 1175%
Armor Break: Reduce Physical Defense by 60%
Duration: 7 sec.
Enemy Attack Power Increase: 30%
Duration: 14 sec.

Strong Hit (Physical): 293%
Armor Break: Reduce Physical Defense by 40%
Duration: 7 sec.
Enemy Attack Power Increase: 30%
Duration: 14 sec.

Strong Hit (Physical): 1175%
Armor Break: Reduce Physical Defense by 50%
Duration: 7 sec.
Enemy Attack Power Increase: 20%
Duration: 14 sec.

Strong Hit (Physical): 293%
Armor Break: Reduce Physical Defense by 33%
Duration: 7 sec.
Enemy Attack Power Increase: 20%
Duration: 14 sec.

Knight Emperor Persistence [Dungeon]
– Activation Requirement: Attacked/Attacking 3 times (Max 10 stacks)
– Attack Power Increase: 2%
– Duration: 10 sec. The lower the HP, the more Defense increase
– HP 75% : 10% Increase
– HP 50% : 20% Increase
– HP 25% : 30% Increase Command Attack Defense Reduction
– Decrease: 50%
– Duration: 5 sec.
[Knight’s Dignity]
– Critical Increase: 20%
– Maximize Increase: 20%

– Activation Requirement: Attacked/Attacking 3 times (Max 10 stacks)
– Attack Power Increase: 1%
– Duration: 5 sec. The lower the HP, the more Defense increase
– HP 75% : 5% Increase
– HP 50% : 10% Increase
– HP 25% : 15% Increase Command Attack Defense Reduction
– Decrease: 15%
– Duration: 5 sec.
[Knight’s Dignity]
– Critical Increase: 20%
– Maximize Increase: 20%

– Activation Requirement: Attacked/Attacking 3 times (Max 10 stacks)- Attack Power Increase: 2%
– Duration: 10 sec. The lower the HP, the more Defense increase
– HP 75% : 10% Increase
– HP 50% : 20% Increase
– HP 25% : 30% Increase Command Attack Defense Reduction
– Decrease: 20%
– Duration: 5 sec.
[Knight’s Dignity]
– Critical Increase: 20%
– Maximize Increase: 20%[PvP]
– Activation Requirement: Attacked/Attacking 3 times (Max 10 stacks)
– Attack Power Increase: 1%
– Duration: 5 sec. The lower the HP, the more Defense increase
– HP 75% : 5% Increase
– HP 50% : 10% Increase
– HP 25% : 15% Increase Command Attack Defense Reduction
– Decrease: 10%
– Duration: 5 sec.
[Knight’s Dignity]
– Critical Increase: 20%
– Maximize Increase: 20%
Genesis O Retribution Create an El Sigil in the air. Divine lightning will fall from the El’s Sigil and strike nearby enemies.

Destruction Skill
– Consumes Destruction Gauge and acquire Vitality Gauge
– Attack Power ↑ when Destruction activated

Divine Lightning (Magical): 819% Multi Hit

Divine Lightning (Magical): 280% Multi Hit

Defense Ignore effect is added to Divine Lightning hit.

Create an El Sigil in the air. Divine lightning will fall from the El’s Sigil and strike nearby enemies. The divine lightning will ignore a set amount of enemies’ defense.

Destruction Skill
– Consumes Destruction Gauge and acquire Vitality Gauge
– Attack Power ↑ when Destruction activated

Divine Lightning (Magical): 819% Multi Hit
Ignore Defense: 70%

Divine Lightning (Magical): 280% Multi Hit
Ignore Defense: 20%

Elemental Master Awakened Will: Elemental Master Memorizing a skill will lower the MP cost and also reduce the cooldown of the skill.

Memorize Skill Cooldown Decreased: 90%
Memorize Skill MP Decreased: 10%

Memorize Skill Cooldown Decreased: 50%
Memorize Skill MP Decreased: 10%

Critical Increase effect is added.

Critical is increased.
Memorizing a skill will lower the MP cost and also reduce the cooldown of the skill.

Critical Increase: 22%
Memorize Skill Cooldown Decreased: 90%
Memorize Skill MP Decreased: 10%

Critical Increase: 22%
Memorize Skill Cooldown Decreased: 50%
Memorize Skill MP Decreased: 10%

Void Princess Awakened Will: Void Princess If there are no enemies within a certain range, decrease skill cooldown and MP cost

Effect Radius: 250
Skill Cooldown Decrease: 20%
Skill MP Cost Reduction: 20%

Effect Radius: 250
Skill Cooldown Decrease: 20%
Skill MP Cost Reduction: 20%

Maximize Increase effect is added.

Maximize is increased. If there are no enemies within a certain range, decrease skill cooldown and MP cost.

Maximize Increase: 20%

Effect Radius: 250
Skill Cooldown Decrease: 20%
Skill MP Cost Reduction: 20%

Maximize Increase: 20%

Effect Radius: 250
Skill Cooldown Decrease: 20%
Skill MP Cost Reduction: 20%

Dimension Witch Awakened Will: Dimension Witch Enemies hit by special active skills or staff attacks will gain a [Energy Fatigue] debuff.

[Energy Fatigue]
Physical Defense Reduction: 5%
Duration: 5 sec.
Max Stacks: 10
Cooldown: 2.5 sec.

[Energy Fatigue]
Physical Defense Reduction: 5%
Duration: 5 sec.
Max Stacks: 10
Cooldown: 2.5 sec.

Maximize Increase effect is added.

Maximize is increased. Enemies hit by special active skills or staff attacks will gain a [Energy Fatigue] debuff.

Maximize Increase: 20%

[Energy Fatigue]
Physical Defense Reduction: 5%
Duration: 5 sec.
Max Stacks: 10
Cooldown: 2.5 sec.

Maximize Increase: 20%

[Energy Fatigue]
Physical Defense Reduction: 5%
Duration: 5 sec.
Max Stacks: 10
Cooldown: 2.5 sec.

Grand Archer Stigma Shot Fire a magical arrow to debuff enemies.
Enemies hit will receive additional 10% damage, 15% damage from critical hits and movement speed reduced by 10% for 10 seconds.
Movement Speed Decrease effect is removed and Magical Defence Reduction effect is added.

Fire a magical arrow to debuff enemies.
Enemies hit will receive additional 10% damage, 15% damage from critical hits and magical defense decreased by 10% for 10 seconds. (PvP: 5%)

Grand Archer [Enhanced] Stigma Shot Fire a magical arrow to debuff enemies.
Enemies hit will receive additional 10% damage, 15% damage from critical hits and movement speed reduced by 10% for 10 seconds.
Final Enhanced Skill
– Movement Speed Reduction Increased by 10%
Movement Speed Decrease effect is removed and Magical Defence Reduction effect is added.

Fire a magical arrow to debuff enemies.
Enemies hit will receive additional 10% damage, 15% damage from critical hits and magical defense reduced by 20% for 10 seconds. (PvP: 10%)

Final Enhanced Skill
– Magical Defense Reduction increased to 20% (PvP: 10%)

Daybreaker Remaining Stigma [Dungeon]
[Advanced Stigma]
Additional Damage: 20%
Critical Damage Increase: 15%
Movement Speed Decrease: 20%
Duration: 10 sec.
Additional Duration: 10 sec.(Does not stack with Stigma Shot) (3 sec. Cooldown)

[Advanced Stigma]Additional Damage: 20%
Critical Damage Increase: 15%
Movement Speed Decrease: 20%
Duration: 10 sec.
Additional Duration: 10 sec.(Does not stack with Stigma Shot) (3 sec. Cooldown)

Movement Speed Decrease effect is removed and Magical Defence Reduction effect is added.

[Advanced Stigma]
Additional Damage: 20%
Critical Damage Increase: 15%
Magical Defense Decrease: 25%
Duration: 10 sec.
Additional Duration: 10 sec.

(Does not stack with Stigma Shot) (3 sec. Cooldown)

[Advanced Stigma]
Additional Damage: 20%
Critical Damage Increase: 15%
Magical Defense Decrease: 12.5%
Duration: 10 sec.
Additional Duration: 10 sec.

(Does not stack with Stigma Shot) (3 sec. Cooldown)

Trapping Ranger Evoke Drop an exploding seed. The seed will explode upon hitting the ground and create a smoke screen.

Smoke screen duration is 3 sec. Allies within the smoke screen will have 70% damage reduction, and Enemies’s Physical/Magical Defense will decrease by 70% (PvP: 35%)

Buff/Debuff application method is improved. (Effect applied once coming into contact with smoke screen even once)

Drop an exploding seed. The seed will explode upon hitting the ground and create a smoke screen.

Smoke screen duration is 3 sec. Allies that come in contact with the smoke screen will have 40% damage reduction for 6 sec., and Enemies’s Physical Defense will decrease by 40% for 6 sec. (PvP: The effects will be 20% and last for 3 sec.)

Sword Taker Hypersonic Stab Unleash a fury of piercing slashes. The piercing slashes will move slowly and disappear. (Can also be activated midair)

Slash (Physical): 306% Multi Hit
(Awakening: 191% Multi Hit)

Slash (Physical): 111% Multi Hit
(Awakening: 68% Multi Hit)

Defense Ignore effect is added to Slash hit.

Unleash a fury of piercing slashes. The piercing slashes will move slowly and disappear. (Can also be activated midair)
The piercing slashes will ignore a set amount of enemies’ defense.

Slash (Physical): 306% Multi Hit
(Awakening: 191% Multi Hit)
Ignore Defense: 40%

Slash (Physical): 111% Multi Hit
(Awakening: 68% Multi Hit)
Ignore Defense: 5%

Code: Nemesis Critical Strike Create 5 sharp orbs to pull in surrounding enemies then does shockwave damage.
Sharp orbs remain in generated area for 10 seconds and can be retracted by pressing a skill key or is pulled in automatically after its duration. (Can also be activated midair)The number of sharp spheres give a [Bleed] debuff (Max 3 Stacks)Core Activation Skill
– Successful attack made during awakening will activate the Core Attack.[Dungeon]
Cast Shockwave (Magical): 3251%
Sharp Orb (Magical): 236%
Multi Hit Sharp Orb (Magical) Retract: 690% ×5

Cast Shockwave (Magical): 1176%
Sharp Orb (Magical): 84%
Multi Hit Sharp Orb (Magical) Retract: 184% ×5

Defense Ignore effect is added to Sharp Orb hit.

Create 5 sharp orbs to pull in surrounding enemies then does shockwave damage. Sharp orbs remain in generated area for 10 seconds and will ignore a set amount of enemies’ defense. The orbs can be retracted by pressing a skill key or is pulled in automatically after its duration. (Can also be activated midair)

The number of sharp spheres give a [Bleed] debuff (Max 3 Stacks)

Core Activation Skill
– Successful attack made during awakening will activate the Core Attack.

Cast Shockwave (Magical): 3251%
Sharp Orb (Magical): 236% Multi Hit
Sharp Orb (Magical) Retract: 690% ×5
Sharp Orb Ignore Defense: 50%

Cast Shockwave (Magical): 1176%
Sharp Orb (Magical): 84% Multi Hit
Sharp Orb (Magical) Retract: 184% ×5
Sharp Orb Ignore Defense: 10%

Code: Empress Genocide Ripper Traits have changed. Reversed → Critical
Code: Empress Riseon Pride Traits have changed. Haste → Heavy
Code: Battle Seraph Photon Tracker Traits have changed. Haste → Heavy
Code: Battle Seraph Final Strike Traits have changed. Light → Heavy
Tactical Trooper Fatal Cannon [Dungeon]
Cannonball Blast (Magical): 1357%
Magical Defense Decrease: 10% (Duration: 5 sec.)

Cannonball Blast (Magical): 457%
Magical Defense Decrease: 10% (Duration: 5 sec.)

Cannonball Blast (Magical): 1357%
Magical Defense Decrease: 20% (Duration: 7 sec.)

Cannonball Blast (Magical): 457%
Magical Defense Decrease: 10% (Duration: 7 sec.)

Centurion [Enhanced] Fatal Cannon Final Enhanced Skill
– Magical Defense Reduction increased by 10%
Final Enhanced Skill
– Magical Defense Reduction increased by 40% (PvP: 20%)
Centurion O Fatal Cannon [Dungeon]
Cannonball Blast (Magical): 1474%
Magical Defense Decrease: 20% (Duration: 5 sec.)

Cannonball Blast (Magical): 499%
Magical Defense Decrease: 20% (Duration: 5 sec.)

Cannonball Blast (Magical): 1474%
Magical Defense Decrease: 40% (Duration: 7 sec.)

Cannonball Blast (Magical): 499%
Magical Defense Decrease: 20% (Duration: 7 sec.)

Yama Raja Ignition Spear [Dungeon]
Ignition Spear (Magical): 1908% Multi Hit
Ignore Defense: 100%

Ignition Spear (Magical): 406%
Multi Hit Ignore Defense: 20%

Ignition Spear (Magical): 1908% Multi Hit
Ignore Defense: 80%

Ignition Spear (Magical): 406%
Multi Hit Ignore Defense: 20%

Asura Specter Walk Veils the body in shadows allowing movement through obstacles for 7 seconds. Gain 20% movement speed while in Specter Walk and gain super armor along with reducing physical defense of enemies Ara passes through by 20% for 5 seconds. (Max 3 Stacks)
Specter Walk will be removed if Ara attacks.
Fixed trait not applying to stack remove debuff effect after debuff application method has improved.

Veils the body in shadows for 7 seconds, increasing movement speed by 20%.
Gain super armor reducing physical defense of enemies Ara passes through by 45% for 7 seconds while in Specter Walk. (PvP: 13.5%)
Specter Walk will be removed if Ara attacks.

Pyro Knight Infernal Blade Traits have changed. Light → Heavy
Dark Knight Revenge of Blood Level 4

Increase Max MP and when you use a Blood Hit Skill, the following skill’s damage will increase. (Exclude Hyperactives)

Max MP Increase: 100

[Revenge of Blood]
Skill Damage Increase: 16%

Max MP Increase: 100

[Revenge of Blood]
Skill Damage Increase: 4%

Critical Increase effect is added.

Level 4

Critical is increased. Increase Max MP and when you use a Blood Hit Skill, the following skill’s damage will increase. (Exclude Hyperactives)

Critical Increase: 18%
Max MP Increase: 100

[Revenge of Blood]
Skill Damage Increase: 16%

Critical Increase: 9%
Max MP Increase: 100

[Revenge of Blood]
Skill Damage Increase: 4%

Mad Paradox O Mind Break Within a frontal fan shaped range, release brain waves towards the nearest enemy. This skill can hit invulnerable targets and reduces the magic power of targets hit. (Range is decreased in PvP)

– Use DP instead of MP while in Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening)

Brain Wave Shock (Magical): 473%
Mind Break
– Recovery when attacking/attacked Reduction: 50%
– Duration: 5 sec.

Brain Wave Shock (Magical): 117%
Mind Break
– Recovery when attacking/attacked Reduction: 50%
– Duration: 2.5 sec.

Recovery when attacking/attacked Reduction effect has been removed, Magical Defense Decrease effect is added.

Within a frontal fan shaped range, release brain waves towards the nearest enemy. This skill can hit invulnerable targets and reduces magical defense of targets hit while dealing damage to surrounding areas.
(Attack Range decrease in PvP)

– DP is consumed instead of MP while in Dynamo Configuration Mode (Awakening)

Brain Wave Shock (Magical): 473%
Mind Break
– Magical Defense Decrease: 40%
– Duration: 5 sec.

Brain Wave Shock (Magical): 117%
Mind Break
– Magical Defense Decrease: 12%
– Duration: 2.5 sec.

Chiliarch Apollyon [Dungeon]
Demon Emergence (Physical): 2430% ~ 2673%
Demon Strike (Physical): 4861% ~ 5347%
Ignore Defense Upon Summoning Darkness Demon: 100%

Demon Emergence (Physical): 656% ~ 721%
Demon Strike (Physical): 1317% ~ 1449%
Ignore Defense Upon Summoning Darkness Demon: 25%

Demon Emergence (Physical): 2430% ~ 2673%
Demon Strike (Physical): 4861% ~ 5347%
Ignore Defense Upon Summoning Darkness Demon: 80%

Demon Emergence (Physical): 656% ~ 721%
Demon Strike (Physical): 1317% ~ 1449%
Ignore Defense Upon Summoning Darkness Demon: 25%

Turbids Blanket Authority Recovery effect will also apply to ally NPCs.
Prime Operator O G-1 Corona Fixed removing Wind Orb effect.
Rumble Pumn Mixsys [Command Activation Skill]
Using the skill will register to its own skill slot. After registering, use Jump or Dash Jump + X key to activate Uses all Sentimental Points upon use and each point will increase the damage by 1% (PVP 0.5%). (Max 10 Stacks)Laby imbues her fist with Nisha and throws a powerful punch. (Can only be activated midair)[Yucky!]
To Laby, it feels yucky to even touch Nisha. Laby feels discomfort that she came in contact with Nisha.
All speed is decreased by 5% for 5 seconds.[Dungeon]
Deadly Punch (Physical): 1640% Multi Hit

Deadly Punch (Physical): 500% Multi Hit

Traits have changed. Critical → Empowered

Defense Ignore effect is added to Deadly Punch hit. [Command Activation Skill]

Using the skill will register to its own skill slot. After registering, use Jump or Dash Jump + X key to activate.
Uses all Sentimental Points upon use and each point will increase the damage by 1% (PVP 0.5%). (Max 10 Stacks)

Laby imbues her fist with Nisha and throws a powerful punch. (Can only be used midair)
Powerful punch ignore a set amount of enemies’ defense.

To Laby, it feels yucky to even touch Nisha. Laby feels discomfort that she came in contact with Nisha. All speed is decreased by 5% for 5 seconds.

Deadly Punch (Physical): 1640% Multi Hit
Ignore Defense: 50%

Deadly Punch (Physical): 500% Multi Hit
Ignore Defense: 15%

Twinkle Child Milky Way [Dungeon]
Starlight (Magical): 1078% Multi Hit

Starlight (Magical): 295% Multi Hit[Need Help, Laby?]
Starlight (Magical): 1058% Multi Hit
Physical, Magical Attack Power Decrease/Physical, Magical Defense Decrease: 20%
Duration: 10 sec.

Starlight (Magical): 286% Multi Hit
Physical, Magical Attack Power Decrease/Physical, Magical Defense Decrease: 20%
Duration: 10 sec.

Starlight (Magical): 1078% Multi Hit

Starlight (Magical): 295% Multi Hit[Need Help, Laby?]
Starlight (Magical): 1058% Multi Hit
Physical, Magical Attack Power Decrease: 20%
Physical, Magical Defense Decrease: 40%
Duration: 10 sec.

Starlight (Magical): 286% Multi Hit
Physical, Magical Attack Power Decrease: 20%
Physical, Magical Defense Decrease: 20%
Duration: 10 sec.

Shining Romantica Stronger Friendship [Dungeon]
[Hello, Laby] cooldown decrease: 5 sec.
[Hello, Laby] cooldown decrease: 10 sec.
Gain 1 [Hello, Nisha] point when using [Hello, Laby]

[Hello, Laby] cooldown decrease: 2 sec.
[Hello, Laby] cooldown decrease: 10 sec.
Gain 1 [Hello, Nisha] point when using [Hello, Laby]

[Hello, Laby] cooldown decrease: 5 sec.
[Hello, Laby] cooldown decrease: 20 sec.
Gain 1 [Hello, Nisha] point when using [Hello, Laby]

[Hello, Laby] cooldown decrease: 2 sec.
[Hello, Laby] cooldown decrease: 20 sec.
Gain 1 [Hello, Nisha] point when using [Hello, Laby]

Radiant Soul O Milky Way [Dungeon]
Starlight (Magical): 878% Multi Hit
Shining Star (Magical): 475%
Vanishing Star (Magical): 272%

Starlight (Magical): 316% Multi Hit
Shining Star (Magical): 171%
Vanishing Star (Magical): 98%[Need Help, Laby?]
Starlight (Magical): 860% Multi Hit
Shining Star (Magical): 470%
Vanishing Star (Magical): 267%
Physical, Magical Attack Power Decrease/Physical, Magical Defense Decrease: 20%
Duration: 10 sec.

Starlight (Magical): 311% Multi Hit
Shining Star (Magical): 170%
Vanishing Star (Magical): 96%
Physical, Magical Attack Power Decrease/Physical, Magical Defense Decrease: 20%
Duration: 10 sec.

Starlight (Magical): 878% Multi Hit
Shining Star (Magical): 475% Vanishing Star (Magical): 272%

Starlight (Magical): 316% Multi Hit
Shining Star (Magical): 171%
Vanishing Star (Magical): 98%[Need Help, Laby?]
Starlight (Magical): 860% Multi Hit
Shining Star (Magical): 470%
Vanishing Star (Magical): 267%
Physical, Magical Attack Power Decrease: 20%
Physical, Magical Defense Decrease: 40%
Duration: 10 sec.

Starlight (Magical): 311% Multi Hit
Shining Star (Magical): 170%
Vanishing Star (Magical): 96%
Physical, Magical Attack Power Decrease: 20%
Physical, Magical Defense Decrease: 20%
Duration: 10 sec.

Daydreamer Bibi…! [Dungeon]
Chew (Physical): 1055%
– Physical Defense Decrease: 20%
– Duration: 10 sec.
Bite (Physical): 729%
See You Next Time (Physical): 465% x 5

Chew (Physical): 374%
– Physical Defense Decrease: 20%
– Duration: 10 sec. Bite (Physical): 245%
See You Next Time (Physical): 157% x 5

Chew (Physical): 1055%
– Physical Defense Decrease: 40%
– Duration: 10 sec.
Bite (Physical): 729%
See You Next Time (Physical): 465% x 5

Chew (Physical): 374%
– Physical Defense Decrease: 20%
– Duration: 10 sec. Bite (Physical): 245%
See You Next Time (Physical): 157% x 5

Nisha Labyrinth Nisha Power Nisha’s Power influence Memories of the Forest. Memory of the Forest gives buffs to allies and will react to [Laby’s Friend?] skill to be enhanced.

– Upon appearance, apply [Poco Power] to decrease nearby allies’ damage received from boss monsters by 10% for a certain duration.
– Projectiles become 2 homing projectiles that attack multiple times
– Upon appearance, apply [Wooki Power] to increase nearby allies’ Physical Attack Power by 15% for a certain duration (PvP: 6%).
– Cooldown Reduction Increase
– Upon appearance, apply [Zumyu Power] to increase nearby allies’ damage to boss monsters by 10% for a certain duration. – Spin Attack Damage Increase Bibi:
– Upon appearance, apply [Bibi Power] to recover nearby allies’ HP by 12% per sec. (PvP: 1.2%)
– Bleeding Debuff Decrease HP More

Nisha’s Power influence Memories of the Forest. Memory of the Forest gives buffs to allies and will react to [Laby’s Friend?] skill to be enhanced.

– Upon appearance, apply [Poco Power] to decrease nearby allies’ damage received from boss monsters by 10% for a certain duration.
– Projectiles become 2 homing projectiles that attack multiple times
– Upon appearance, apply [Wooki Power] to increase nearby allies’ Physical Attack Power by 15% for a certain duration (PvP: 8%).
– Cooldown Reduction Increase
– Upon appearance, apply [Zumyu Power] to increase nearby allies’ damage to boss monsters by 10% for a certain duration. – Spin Attack Damage Increase Bibi:
– Upon appearance, apply [Bibi Power] to recover nearby allies’ HP by 12% per sec. (PvP: 1.2%)
– Bleeding Debuff Decrease HP More

Silent Shadow Pursuit I will never let you slip away… The shadow chases the enemy in pursuit under your command.

[Obsidian Darkness]
Number of shadows chasing the enemy increases.

Pursuit (Physical): 504% Multi Hit
[Obsidian Darkness]
Shadow Pursuit (Physical): 53% Multi Hit

Pursuit (Physical): 191% Multi Hit
[Obsidian Darkness]
Shadow Pursuit (Physical): 19% Multi Hit

Defense Ignore effect is added to Pursuit hit.

I will never let you slip away… The shadow chases the enemy in pursuit under your command. The pursuit strike will ignore a set amount of enemies’ defense.

[Obsidian Darkness]
Number of shadows chasing the enemy increases.

Pursuit (Physical): 504% Multi Hit
Ignore Defense: 60%
[Obsidian Darkness]
Shadow Pursuit (Physical): 53% Multi Hit

Pursuit (Physical): 191% Multi Hit
Ignore Defense: 20%
[Obsidian Darkness]
Shadow Pursuit (Physical): 19% Multi Hit

Pale Pilgrim Moon’s Origin Recovery effect will also apply to ally NPCs.
Ain Abschluss The skill no longer push back super armor characters.
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