
  • 2022-07-06 00:00 ~ 2022-07-06 3:30 AM PDT


  • GOGO! El Rider!
  • PvP League Reset
  • Character Balance Update

★ Added

  • Mount Race Event
    (2022-07-06 00:00 ~ 2022-08-02 23:59)

★ On-going

  • Hedgehog Draw Lots Event
    (2022-06-22 00:00 ~ 2022-08-02 23:59)

★ Ended

  • Journey to Become the Pet Master Event
    (2022-06-08 00:00 ~ 2022-07-05 23:59)

[Cash Items]
★ Added

  • Rising Festa Costume
    (2022-07-06 00:00 ~ 2022-08-02 23:59)

★ Ended

  • Stella Universe Hotelier Costume
    (2022-06-08 00:00 ~ 2022-07-05 23:59)
  • Adult Pet Package Resale
    (2022-06-08 00:00 ~ 2022-07-05 23:59)

★ GOGO! El Rider!

  • A content that allows players to participate in a racing game with 3~6 players with their permanent mount.
    • El Rider can be played through random matching and by inviting your friends.

[How to Enter and Entry Requirement]

    • How to Enter
      • You can enter through the Summon related UI at the bottom of the game screen in the [El Rider] tab or by setting the keyboard hot key.
    • Entry Requirement
      • Players need to be Lv. 99 or higher to participate. You need 3~6 players to play.
      • You need a permanent mount to participate. You cannot participate with temporary or VIP mounts.
      • You can enter while fishing. You can only enter from areas with no battle. (Cannot enter from dungeons/fields.)


    • Stamina
      • 60 stamina is used per race. The mount cannot participate in the race if they do not have enough stamina.
    • When Stamina can be recovered/cannot be recovered
      Can be Recovered – Village, Hot Springs, El House, Guild Base and other safe areas
      – Unsummoned mount (mount in inventory)
      – Waiting in El Rider waiting UI
      – Mounts that did not participate in El Rider race
      – Sitting while on a mount in the field
      Cannot be Recovered – Dungeon, Field, and other areas you can enter in battle with your mount.
      – Mounts that participated in El Rider race (The stamina does not recover until after the race is over and you’ve returned to the village
    • EXP
      • You can check the EXP of the current mount. EXP can be gained based on the ran you place in the El Rider race.
    • Stat
      • If the mount gains EXP and levels up, you can gain 1 stat randomly.
      • Use Frandra Crystal to keep the mount’s level rand reassign all the stats randomly.
      • You can check the stat information from [Summon > Mount] menu.
      Stat Effect
      Start Enhance Increase chance to run faster at the start of the race.
      Burst Enhance Increase chance to run even faster when activating burst.
      Burst gauge will be shown below the character.
      Gauge will increase in increments.
      Once the gauge is full, Burst will activate.
      Charge Enhance Decrease chance of colliding into obstacles and increase chance to dash quickly after jumping.
      Speed decrease greatly when you collide into obstacles.
      Last Spurt Enhance Last Spurt activates faster and increase chance to run even faster.
    • Start Playing
      • Step 1: Select the mount to participate in the race.
      • Step 2: Match with other players through random matching or inviting other players.
      • Step 3: Once the race starts, the race will proceed along the racing track. You can check the real-time ranking on the top left corner.
      • Proceed through the match that will end in various results based on the stat of the mount.
        • Mount stat cam be checked through [Summon > Mount > Stat].

[El Rider Results Reward]

    • Obtain EXP based on ranking. You mount can obtain a random stat when they level up.
    • When 6 players play, the special rewards will be given to player in 1st to 3rd place.

★ Characters

[Rune Master]

  • Fixed New Heights passive skills’ “Using Rune skills 3 times will decrease all skill down” count resetting every time you switch titles.

[Aether Sage]

  • Following will the added to the tooltip to show exactly what will be affected by the Sage’s Wisdom passive effect.
    • New: Does not apply to weapon elemental attribute.

[Wiz Magician]

  • Added missing description in the Mystic Flask skills’ PvP tooltip.
    • Before: [PvP] White: Critical Damage Increase for 5 sec.: 5%
    • New: [PvP] White: Character Size Increase, Critical Damage Increase for 5 sec.: 5%

[Blade Master]

  • Fixed some strike effect disappearing when using Sonic Slash while another character is time stops.

[Tactical Trooper]

  • If the character dies while using Tactical Field, the field will not be maintained.


  • You can now change title even when you are floating (jump key 2 times).


  • Fixed [Mod] Install – Charged Impulser’s [Final Enhanced] effect, MP cost decreased by 10, not applying.


  • Fixed projectile sound effect not playing when Ciel uses ZX command to an enemy in close proximity.


  • [→→↑XZX] command speed has been adjusted, as characters go through dungeon landscape and fall when the action speed is high


  • Fixed Lu’s stab/ Ciel’s spear activating behind the character when the character’s action speed is high and pressing ← key immediately after using the →→XZ command.
  • Fixed buff effect not appearing when using Eternal Demersio again while the buff duration still remains.
  • Fixed not being able to hit Mana group that’s summoned in Ereda Island with Lu’s [→→Z, →→↑ZXZ] commands.

[Storm Trooper]

  • Code: War Machine cooldown decrease effect description will be fixed to explain the effects more precisely.
    • Before: Each time Heavy Weapon special active skill is used, have a chance to decrease the re-use cooldown of all special active skills.
    • After: Each time Heavy Weapon special active skill is used, have a chance to decrease remaining cooldown of all special active skills.

★ Item

  • A tooltip is added to Skill Cut-Ins sold in the item mall to clarify whether the Skill Cut-In can apply socket effect immediately upon registering the Skill Cut-In.

★ Pet/Mount

  • Village Movement Speed Increase effects will be modified to the following:
    • When on a mount, dash and dash jump in the village will also have increased speed.
    • Village Movement Speed will be shown by stage. There is a maximum of 5 stages.
    • Existing Village Movement Speed buff based on achievement point and El House DIY season effect buff are also modified.


  • Before After
    Stage 1: Village Movement Speed Buff +10% Rank 1: Village Movement Speed Stage 1
    Stage 2: Village Movement Speed Buff +20% Rank 2: Village Movement Speed Stage 1
    Stage 3: Village Movement Speed Buff +30% Rank 3: Village Movement Speed Stage 2
    Stage 4: Village Movement Speed Buff +40% Rank 4: Village Movement Speed Stage 2
    Stage 5: Village Movement Speed Buff +50% Rank 5: Village Movement Speed Stage 3

[El Rider Results Reward]

    • Village Movement Speed Increase → Village Movement Speed Stage Increase by 1
      *Achievement and El House DIY Season Effect buff will be applied together.
      Ex) Achievement Rank 3 and El House DIY Season buff together will have Village Movement Speed Stage 3 applied.

★ Dungeon/PvP/Field

  • Fixed “Additional Damage Decrease” text being excluded from the tooltip when receiving Aging debuff from attacking gargoyle statues from Shadow Earl’s Castle.

★ Item

  • Fixed (Items can be obtained at varied rates) text being included in the tooltips of Formal Tuxedo Cube Ver.1 and Formal Dress Cube Ver.1 even though the items can be obtained at set rates.
  • Fighter Potion tooltip has been edited to show how much attack power increase exactly.
    • Before: Incite the user’s fighting spirit in a short time to increase attack power.
    • Change: Incite the user’s fighting spirit in a short time to increase attack power by 30%.


  • ‘[Cobo] Summon Stone: Cockatigle’ is added to the EP Shop.
  • The Loading Screen that appears when changing Training Camp map is improved.
  • Fixed being able to talk to NPCs while the Cobo Transportation Service UI is open using a specific method.
  • Fixed not automatically switching to the next mount when the first mount on the mount list runs out of stamina.
  • Fixed the Summon UI opening on the mount tab once you get on a mount, even if you open the UI after you dismounted.
  • Fixed the artifact not being in the center when checking Master Artifact when certain characters.
  • Slightly adjusted the message for Varnimyr/Pruinaum ranking rewards message, as having the mail message could be misleading when the rewards are immediately applied to character customization.
    • Before: Varnimyr/Pruinaum Raid Ranking Rewards arrived.
    • Change: Varnimyr/Pruinaum Raid Ranking Rewards arrived. The reward is applied right away. Please check [Character Customization] – [Motion].
  • Fixed being unable to kick the guild member in certain situations even though it should be possible.
  • Fixed Summon Auto Consumption UI size setting change resetting when you close the game and login again.
  • Fixed so summon UI pet location is not covered by another UI component.
  • Added effects to clickable buttons in Summon/Mount UI when you hover over them so they are discernable from buttons that are not clickable.
  • Fixed the effect that looks like ED was used when you login to a different character within the same account using a specific method, even when they have the same about of ED.
  • Fixed AP increase/decrease effect appearing in the wrong location within the inventory when gain/using AP.
  • Fixed Ciel not being visible in the Lu/Ciel 3rd and 4th path Master Class icon from the character list of El Search Party Collection Book>Synergy>Collection.

★ Character Balance


Character Mod Skill Name Before After
Battle Magician   Super Nova Skill casting speed is increased by 50%
Black hole range is increased and hit box is improved.
Mana explosion will no longer launch enemies.
Battle Magician Magical Makeup Skill casting speed is increased by 40%
Dimension Witch Energy Spurt Skill casting speed is increased by 80%
Energy Spurt range is increased.
Wiz Magician Mystic Flask [Dungeon]
White: Increase Character Size, Critical Damage for 30 sec.: 15%
Blue: Decrease Character Size, Increase MP Recovery per sec. for 30 sec.: 30
Yellow: Super Armor State for 20 sec.
Purple: Confuse for 2 sec.[PvP]
White: Increase Character Size, Critical Damage for 5 sec.: 7.5%
Blue: Decrease Character Size, Increase MP Recovery per sec. for 5 sec.: 3
Yellow: Super Armor State for 5 sec.
Purple: Confuse for 2 sec.
White – Critical Damage Increase effect is applied differently.

White: Increase Character Size, Critical Damage for 30 sec.: 10%
Blue: Decrease Character Size, Increase MP Recovery per sec. for 30 sec.: 30
Yellow: Super Armor State for 20 sec.
Purple: Confuse for 2 sec.

White: Increase Character Size, Critical Damage for 5 sec.: 5%
Blue: Decrease Character Size, Increase MP Recovery per sec. for 5 sec.: 3
Yellow: Super Armor State for 5 sec.
Purple: Confuse for 2 sec.

Dominator O [Mod] Force Field Generate a special magnetic field that temporarily amplifies the potency of Nasod Technology using a copy of a Dynamo dummy.
While inside the field, apply buffs that increase various stats. Decrease the MP consumption and cooldown of Dynamo Configuration skills and DP cost of [Install] skills.
Critical Damage Increase effect within the Magnetic field is applied differently.
Tooltip will improve to match the effect.
Generate a special magnetic field that temporarily amplifies the potency of Nasod Technology using a copy of a Dynamo dummy.
While allies and caster are inside the field, apply buffs that increase various stats. Decrease the MP consumption and cooldown of Dynamo Configuration skills and DP cost of [Install] skills.
Storm Trooper Burst Grenade Fire bombs in the air and activates a laser rifle that shoots to a large area. Bomb explodes upon contact with the laser and will deal damage that ignores defense by 70%. (PvP: 20%)

Over Strike
– Upon activating Over Strike, skill attack power increases

Laser (Physical): 7256%
Explosive Shot (Physical): 870% Multi Hit

Laser (Physical): 1843%
Explosive Shot (Physical): 233% Multi Hit

Fire bombs in the air and activates a laser rifle that shoots to a large area. Bomb explodes upon contact with the laser and will deal damage that ignores defense by 20%. (PvP: 10%)

Over Strike
– Upon activating Over Strike, skill attack power increases[Dungeon]
Laser (Physical): 7256%
Explosive Shot (Physical): 870% Multi Hit[PvP]
Laser (Physical): 1843%
Explosive Shot (Physical): 233% Multi Hit
Tempest Burster O [Mod] Burst Grenade Fire bombs along the path and activate a laser rifle that shoots a large area.
Bomb explodes upon contact with the laser and will deal damage that ignores defense by 50%. (PvP: 10%)Over Strike
– Upon activating Over Strike, skill attack power increases[Dungeon]
Laser (Physical): 6682%
Explosive Shot (Physical): 823% Multi Hit[PvP]
#CX Laser (Physical): 1790%
Explosive Shot (Physical): 221% Multi Hit
Fire bombs along the path and activate a laser rifle that shoots a large area.
Bomb explodes upon contact with the laser and will deal damage that ignores defense by 20%. (PvP: 10%)Over Strike
– Upon activating Over Strike, skill attack power increases[Dungeon]
Laser (Physical): 6682%
Explosive Shot (Physical): 823% Multi Hit[PvP]
#CX Laser (Physical): 1790%
Explosive Shot (Physical): 221% Multi Hit
Crimson Rose Multi Head Shot Skill casting speed and shooting speed is increased by 53%.
Fire, Additional Fire range is increased greatly.
Crimson Rose Punishment Last strike does not knockdown the enemy.
Crimson Rose Frenzy [Dungeon]
– Special Active Skill Damage Increase: 25%
– Damage Reduction: 30%
– Special Active cooldown decrease upon successful active skill hit: 30%
– Allies Critical Damage Increase: 10%
– Frenzy Cooldown: 5 sec.[PvP]
– Special Active Skill Damage Increase: 12.5%
– Damage Reduction: 12%
– Special Active cooldown decrease upon successful active skill hit: 30%
– Allies Critical Damage Increase: 10%
– Frenzy Cooldown: 30 sec.
Tooltip will improve to match the effect.

– Special Active Skill Damage Increase: 25%
– Damage Reduction: 30%
– Special Active cooldown decrease upon successful active skill hit: 30%
– All Enemies Received Critical Damage Increase: 10%
– Frenzy Cooldown: 5 sec.

– Special Active Skill Damage Increase: 12.5%
– Damage Reduction: 12%
– Special Active cooldown decrease upon successful active skill hit: 30%
– All Enemies Received Critical Damage Increase: 10%
– Frenzy Cooldown: 30 sec.

Black Massacre O [Mod] Multi Head Shot Fire consecutive head shots to various enemies.
30% chance to deal double damage
Fire consecutive head shots to various enemies.
50% chance to deal double damageSkill casting speed and shooting speed is increased by 53%.
Fire range is increased greatly.
Metal Heart KS-83 [Dungeon]
KS-83 Clash (Magical): 132%
KS-83 Reflex Disruption (Magical): 34% x10
KS-83 Explosion (Magical): 537%
Magical Defense Decrease: 20%
Movement, Jump Speed Decrease: 20%[PvP]
KS-83 Clash (Magical): 43%
KS-83 Reflex Disruption (Magical): 11% x10
KS-83 Explosion (Magical): 180%
Magical Defense Decrease: 20%
Movement, Jump SpeedDecrease: 20%
KS-83 Clash (Magical): 132%
KS-83 Reflex Disruption (Magical): 34% x10
KS-83 Explosion (Magical): 537%
Magical Defense Decrease: 5%
Movement, Jump Speed Decrease: 20%[PvP]
KS-83 Clash (Magical): 43%
KS-83 Reflex Disruption (Magical): 11% x10
KS-83 Explosion (Magical): 180%
Magical Defense Decrease: 5%
Movement, Jump SpeedDecrease: 20%
Metal Heart [Enhanced] KS-83 Final Enhanced Skill
– [Reflex Disruption] buff effect enhanced by 10%
Final Enhanced Skill
– [Reflex Disruption] buff effect enhanced by 5%
Herrscher Chaos Barrier Allies’ Critical Damage Increase effect within the barrier is applied differently.
Second Selection Command MP cost of Dash XZZ, Dash Jump ZX are increased.
Second Selection Retrograde [Dungeon]
MP Increase: 50
Special Active MP Cost Decrease: 15%
Duration: 30 sec.Planet Orbit (Magical): 278% Multi Hit[PvP]
MP Increase: 50
Special Active MP Cost Decrease: 15%
Duration: 30 sec.Planet Orbit (Magical): 93% Multi Hit
MP Increase: 50
Special Active MP Cost Decrease: 7%
Duration: 30 sec.Planet Orbit (Magical): 278% Multi Hit[PvP]
MP Increase: 50
Special Active MP Cost Decrease: 7%
Duration: 9 sec.Planet Orbit (Magical): 93% Multi Hit
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