Amethystine Prophecy Reforge Improvement

*Amethystine Prophecy Reforge Improvement Update: 2021 – 12 – 22 MA

After the improvement adjusting the cost for Reforge and increasing the success rate, we will make further adjustments by increasing the guaranteed success gauge to further alleviate the pressure of Amethystine Prophecy Armor Reforge. There will also be further improvements adjusting the parts where you needed to use additional durability and resources after filling the Guaranteed Success Gauge to 100%.

– When failing 16 → 17/17 → 18/19 → 20/20 → 21 Stage Amethystine Prophecy Armor Reforge, the amount of Guaranteed Success Gauge Increase will change to the following. (See below chart)
– It will change so that upon reaching 100% Guaranteed Success Gauge, the armor will reforge without costing additional Spectral Amethyst/Glaciem/Magical Crystal/ED/Armor Reforge Durability.

Before After
Reforge Stage Gauge Increase Reforge Stage Gauge Increase
0→1 10 0→1 10
1→2 6.667 1→2 6.667
2→3 5 2→3 5
3→4 10 3→4 10
4→5 6.667 4→5 6.667
5→6 3.333 5→6 3.333
6→7 10 6→7 10
7→8 5 7→8 5
8→9 2.5 8→9 2.5
9→10 10 9→10 10
10→11 3.333 10→11 3.333
11→12 1.667 11→12 1.667
12→13 5 12→13 5
13→14 2.5 13→14 2.5
14→15 1.25 14→15 1.25
15→16 2.5 15→16 2.5
16→17 0.625 16→17 0.833
17→18 0.313 17→18 0.417
18→19 2.5 18→19 2.5
19→20 0.417 19→20 0.556
20→21 0.208 20→21 0.278

 The Guaranteed Success Gauge of the current equipment before the change will have the improved gauge applied after the update.
After the Improvements, the Guaranteed Success Gauge will not exceed max 100%.

Jellmatis Fragment Obtain Improvement

*Jellmatis Fragment Obtain Improvement Update: 2021 – 12 – 22 MA

We understand that while you need to play PvP to obtain Jellmatis Fragment items to enhance PvP Armor, the fact that players can obtain the fragments regardless of winning/losing have led to passive gameplay, frustrating many PvP players.

In order to tackle this issue, we will be changing how Jellmatis Fragments are obtained for this winter update. Furthermore, in order to minimize the impact of the update to obtaining Jellmatis Fragments and the supply & demand, players will also be able to obtain Jellmatis Fragments through quests. In addition, all Jellmatis obtained after the update will be tradeable to also improve the QoE aspect.

– Number and method obtaining of Jellmatis Fragment through official PvP matches will change.

Daily Obtainable Amount Win Lose Target
50 10 3 Per character



Daily Obtainable Amount Win Lose Target
50 25 0 Per account


– You can obtain Jellmatis Fragments through Weekly Quest (per account) in official PvP.

Quest Quest Name Condition Reward
Weekly [PvP] Challenge of a Champion Win 6 Official PvP matches Jellmatis Fragment x100
Weekly [PvP] Passion of a Champion Win 15 Official PvP matches Jellmatis Fragment x250
Weekly [PvP] Will of a Champion Win 20 Official PvP matches Jellmatis Fragment x400


– Jellmatis Fragment reward from the PvP weekly quest ‘[PvP] Worth of a Champion’ will be removed.

Quest Name Condition Reward
[PvP] Worth of a Champion Play 6 Official PvP matches Duelist’s Coin x30
Jellmatis Fragment x50
Fighter Potion x10



Quest Name Condition Reward
[PvP] Worth of a Champion Play 6 Official PvP matches Duelist’s Coin x30
Fighter Potion x10


 Jellmatis Fragments obtained after the 12/22 (W) MA update will be tradeable.
 Jellmatis Fragments obtained before the update will be changed to ‘(Old) Jellmatis Fragments’ and will not be tradeable.
 Event after the update, both (Old) Jellmatis Fragment and the tradeable Jellmatis Fragment can be used for PvP Equipment Specialize Enchant.

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