1. Magical Crystal Obtain Improvement
Due to the increase in demands of Magical Crystals with the recent major update influencing the price of craft items in the market, it was determined that the improvement of supplies for the Magical Crystals was most imperative.

We will be processing the revamp in a way that will keep the supplies for the Magical Crystals more stable for both New and Existing Adventurers.

– Just like other items that are dropped in all areas of Elrios (Like Stella’s Powder Mix, Ruve Herb, Whole Grain Flour, Aqua, etc.).
Magical Crystals will also be dropped in all areas of Elrios.
– Magical Crystals that can be obtained/exchanged from Large Magical Crystals will be fixed to 100.

Large Magical Crystals that you obtained before the revamp will also have the Magical Crystals obtain/exchange count fixed to 100.

2. Quest, Title, and Other Quality of Life Improvements
We wish to lessen the overall pressure adventurers may feel towards playing the game by alleviating repetitive gameplay requirements and other specific aspects of the game that adventurers may be inconvenienced by.

  1. Vestige of Soul – Weapon of Requiem growth quest requirement count decrease

    Requirement Before After
    Clear Pruinaum Region Dungeon (Excludes Raid) 50 25
    Clear Pruinaum Region Dungeon with Rank S or higher (Excludes Raid) 150 75
    Clear Pruinaum Raid Dungeon 50 25
    Clear Savage White-Ghost’s Castle 150 75
    Clear Altar of Invocation 300 150

  3. Master Class Advance Quest and Master Skill Quest clear requirement change
    The requirements to clear specific Master Dungeons have been changed to allow clearing any Master Dungeons.

  5. Master Class Advance Quest and Master Skill Quest certain clear requirements decrease

    Quest Type Quest List Quest Requirement Before After
    Master Class Advancement Quest [Gaia] Master Class 1/5 Clear Rigomor Region Dungeons 15 5
    [Gaia] Master Class 2/5 Collect Apparition of Will
    (Rigomor Dungeons)
    35 20
    [Gaia] Master Class 4/5 Collect Origin Artifact
    (Master Road Region Dungeon Normal / Hell)
    15 10
    [Rosso] Master Class 1/5 Clear Rigomor Region Dungeons 15 5
    [Rosso] Master Class 2/5 Collect Apparition of Will
    (Rigomor Dungeons)
    35 20
    [Rosso] Master Class 4/5 Collect Origin Artifact
    (Master Road Region Dungeon Normal / Hell)
    15 10
    [Ventus] Master Class 1/5 Clear Rigomor Region Dungeons 15 5
    [Ventus] Master Class 2/5 Collect Apparition of Will
    (Rigomor Dungeons)
    35 20
    [Ventus] Master Class 4/5 Collect Origin Artifact
    (Master Road Region Dungeon Normal / Hell)
    15 10
    [Denif] Master Class 1/5 Clear Rigomor Region Dungeons 15 5
    [Denif] Master Class 2/5 Collect Apparition of Will
    (Rigomor Dungeons)
    35 20
    [Denif] Master Class 4/5 Collect Origin Artifact
    (Master Road Region Dungeon Normal / Hell)
    15 10
    [Adrian] Master Class 1/5 Clear Rigomor Region Dungeons 15 5
    [Adrian] Master Class 2/5 Collect Ancient Memory
    (Rigomor Dungeons)
    35 20
    [Adrian] Master Class 4/5 Collect Origin Artifact
    (Master Road Region Dungeon Normal / Hell)
    15 10
    [Solace] Master Class 1/5 Clear Rigomor Region Dungeons 15 5
    [Solace] Master Class 2/5 Collect Apparition of Will
    (Rigomor Dungeons)
    35 20
    [Solace] Master Class 4/5 Collect Origin Artifact
    (Master Road Region Dungeon Normal / Hell)
    15 10
    [Hernia] Master Class 1/5 Clear Rigomor Region Dungeons 15 5
    [Hernia] Master Class 2/5 Collect Memory Piece
    (Rigomor Dungeons)
    35 20
    [Hernia] Master Class 4/5 Collect Origin Artifact
    (Master Road Region Dungeon Normal / Hell)
    15 10
    Master Skill Quest [Master] Evolving Power 2/3 Collect Mark of Evolving Power
    (Master Road Region Dungeon Normal / Hell)
    120 90
    [Master] Turbulent Power 2/3 Collect Mark of Turbulent Power
    (Master Road Region Dungeon Normal / Hell)
    180 120

  7. Title Count for certain Varnimyr Raid ~ Pruinaum Normal Dungeon Titles Decrease
    (Varnimyr Raid, Rigomor, Master Road, Pruinaum)

    Title Name Requirement Before After
    Blazing Figure Clear Crimson Tower of Howling Flames 300 times (Excludes Story Mode) 300 100
    Dark Gaze Clear Never-Ending Darkness without resurrecting 30 times (Excludes Story Mode) 30 10
    Rekindled Clear Crimson Cradle of Flames without resurrecting 10 times (Excludes Story Mode) 10 5
    Leviathan Defeat ‘Chaos Leviathan’ and ‘Leviathan’ (Sea of Ruin) 900 300
    Extreme Alternative Defeat ‘A.M.P.S Type – Gerstalker’
    (Abandoned Deep-Sea Tunnel)
    300 100
    Come Hell and High Water Defeat ‘Trosh'(Trosh’s Nest) 990 300
    Survival of the Cold Defeat Monsters from Abandoned Icerite Plant 150000 50000
    Exploit the Weakness Clear Titan’s Grotto 100 times 100 50
    The Setting Sun Clear Titan’s Grotto 1000 times, with Rank S or higher 1000 500
    Crest of Gaia Win against Master Gaia (Hell) 150 times 150 50
    Crest of Rosso Win against Master Rosso (Hell) 150 times 150 50
    Crest of Ventus Win against Master Ventus (Hell) 150 times 150 50
    Crest of Denif Win against Master Denif (Hell) 150 times 150 50
    Crest of Adrian Clear Nasod Testing Chamber (Hell) 150 times 150 50
    Crest of Solace Win against Master Solace (Hell) 150 times 150 50
    Crest of Hernia Clear Anguish of the Wavering Servant (Hell)
    or Unraveling the Knot of Memories (Hell) 150 times
    150 50
    Danger Close Clear Glacial Land 100 times 100 50
    King of Yeti Defeat Meson 150 times 150 50
    Converse with Fists Clear Sanctuary of the Soul 300 times 300 200
    Happy Train Ride Clear Capital-Bound Train 500 times 500 300

3. Improve [Cobo] Pet: Wild Pocket Phoru Obtained through Character Growth Quest.
We acknowledge that the Fetch Aura given via the quest being a temporary item, despite Fetch Auras being almost essential to gameplay, is an inconvenience to new players and returning players alike. As such, we will be changing the following with player’s suggestions.

– The [Cobo] Pet: Wild Pocket Phoru obtained via ENThralled Opponents (Elsword~Ain) / Need to Learn (Laby) / 1,000 Year Old Soul (Noah) quests will have a permanent ‘Fetch Aura’ applied.
– All [Cobo] Wild Pocket Phoru obtained before the change will also have the Fetch Auras applied.

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