Quality of Life Update Pre-Announcement

Quality of Life Update – Part 1


  1. Upon achieving Transcendence, the transcendence skill slot will unlock automatically. As such, players who have Transcended before the updates will also have their slots unlocked as well!
  2. All instances of the Skill Slot Change Medal (Transcendence) and [Cobo] Skill Slot Change Medal (Transcendence) will no longer be sold in the Item Mall and the ED Shop respectively.
  3. Additionally, the [Cobo] Skill Slot Change Medal (Transcendence) Cube (15 Days) will also be removed from the [Cobo] Transcendence Useful Items Cube that players receive upon clearing the Limit Break 5/5 quest.


  1. [Secret Dungeon] Collapse of Balance quest will be added (per character)
  2. Beginner’s Secret Dungeon Weapon Cube will be given upon completing the [Secret Dungeon] Collapse of Balance quest. Players can get a +9 Secret Dungeon Weapon that they cannot dismantle.
  3. [Secret Dungeon] Hidden Dungeon Revealed and [Secret Dungeon] Reason to Restore Barrier quests can no long be accepted.
  4. However, players you already have the quests will be able to complete it.


  1. Add’s Energy Fusion Theory Dungeon will no longer drop Energy Shards and Energy Disks.
  2. Players will not be able to accept Energy Shards from Achievements as well.
  3. Players can no longer accept [Add’s Energy Fusion Theory] Energy Form Conversion and [Add’s Energy Fusion Theory] Energy Form Overload quests.
  4. The Apocalypse Type-Void Weapon Cube you can obtain from Achievement or Dungeon after the update will contain:

    +9 Fully Disked, Apocalypse Type-Void Weapon
    Cannot be dismantled

  5. Existing Apocalypse Type-Void weapon names will be changed:

    Apocalypse Type – Void Sword → Apocalypse Type – Void (Proto) Sword


  1. El Tear Fragments from Elrianode, and Twisted Time and Space – Fahrmann’s Peak will only start dropping Unique El Tears.
  2. El Tears exchanged through the Elrianode Equipment Refiner will all be Unique El Tears.
  3. Players can no longer accept the [Elrianode] Elrianode Armor quest.
  4. Instead, the [Elrianode] Ancient Elrianode Armor quest will be added (per character) and will give the Ancient Elrianode Armor Cube which contains:
  5. +9 Ancient Elrianode Armor
    Has Elite El Tear assembled and cannot be dismantled

  6. The existing Elrianode Armor and the new Ancient Elrianode Armor will share set effects.
  7. El Tear drop rate in Elrianode region dungeons will be adjusted.


  1. The number of Time and Space Fragments required for [Elite] Force Skill Upgrade Stone will be decreased from 500 → 250.
  2. The number of Time and Space Fragments required for Legendary Force Skills (Fog of Death, Remaining El’s Aspiration, Elrian Clock) and [Unique] Force Skill Upgrade Stone will be decreased from 1,500 → 750.


  1. Gauge obtained upon clearing Varnimyr Raid Story and Normal mode will be increased by 2 times!
  2. A weekly quest that gives [Ariel] Crimson Trace Reset Ticket will be added (per character).
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