First Job
After being inspired by Nasod design and capabilities, Rose sought to replicate the same mechanism to create her own version of the robots. The more she battled the Nasods the more she wanted to create something like them. She gathered the leftover parts of the Nasods she defeated and through trial and error, with the help of Zero's shard, she was able to make them work. Rose now dominates the battlefield like never before.

Limit Over
Activate G-Core and strengthen all skills for 20 seconds and increase the efficiency of the G System. All skills' damage is increased by 15% and are applied with a special G skill effect. (Hyperactive excluded)

Air Mecha: Gale Force
Summon an Air Mecha [Gale Force]. He will guard and automatically track and attack nearby enemies.

Ex-S Viper
Summon the thermal firearm [Ex-S Viper] that continuously fire for 7.5 sec.

Sparrow Factory
Deploy a [Sparrow Factory] that calls upon mechanical sparrows. The summon Sparrow Factory lasts for 15 seconds.
Second Job
Rose is not satisfied with her creation. Even though she's got the capabilities and mechanism down to a T, she felt her creations lacking the aesthetic department. She wanted to create a robot unmatched in power and beauty. In her search, Rose learned about the El Energy extractor used by the Nasods in Altera. This allowed her to remodel her equipment decreasing them in size and making them more visually appealing without compromising their capabilities. She now stands in the battlefield as the Goddess of Machines with refined robots and unstoppable power.

High-Mobile Mech Volt MX
Strengthen the G-Core and summon a high-mobile mecha [Mecha Volt MX] into the battlefield. Mecha Volt MX will continuously attack enemies and remain in the battlefield for 60 sec.

G-0 Battleroid
Summon a G-0 Battleroid to annihilate enemies. When G-0 Battleroid is summoned, it will auto-lock on enemies and fire missiles consecutively then shoot laser beams.

G-2 Rolling Thunder
Activate G-Core and transform it. Re-click the skill key to activate [G-2 Rolling Thunder] for 10 sec. Can attack up to 5 times with skill key input.

G-4 Frisbee
Activate G-Core and transform it. Re-click the skill key to activate [G-1 Corona] and fire energy bullets consecutively behind user.

As with all 1st job and 2nd job changes, the Metal Heart job change quest will open once Rose reaches level 15 and the Optimus job change quest will open once she reaches level 35.

07/27/2016 – 08/09/2016 (Ends 11:59 PM PDT)

Rose's command of steel soldiers sets her on the path to destruction. Start calling on mecha reinforcements by logging in to the game.

Amazing Growth Support!
• Players who have successfully job-changed to Metal Heart or Optimus will immediately gain 50% experience every time they level up.
• Please note that the additional 50% bonus EXP after reaching the next level only applies to Metal Heart or Optimus from Level 15 – 69.

Amazing Item Support
• Players level 10 and up will receive the following rewards daily during the event when they reach the required log-in times.

Enchanted Bullet
Exchange through Ariel for rewards
Enchanted Bullet x 1
Log-in for 10 minutes
Per account
Enchanted Bullets x 2
Log-in for 20 minutes
Per account
Enchanted Bullets x 3
Log-in for 30 minutes
Per account
Enchanted Bullets: Cannot be stored in Shared Bank

• Get 1 Luriel's Ice Burner when you log-in for 60 minutes on the days specified.
For players level 10 and up:

Luriel's Ice Burner Cube (1 Day)
Week 1
(Per account)
• Once on Week 1
• Once on the weekend (Fri - Sunday)
Week 2
(Per account)
• Once on Week 2
• Once on the weekend (Fri - Sunday)
Receive a standard Luriel's Ice Burner when you open Luriel's Ice Burner Cube:

Luriel's Ice Burner (1 Day) x 1
Elsword - Rose

Luriel's Ice Burner Cube: Cannot be traded or sold but can be stored in Shared Bank.
* For Week 1 and Week 2 events, if you login for the first time on a weekend, you will receive 2 event timers.

07/27/2016 – 08/09/2016 (Ends 11:59 PM PDT)

If it's more rewards you crave, then it's more rewards we'll serve.
Complete Ariel's quests to get your rewards in the mail!

Amazing Job Change
To activate this quest, make sure Rose is level 14 or below. Otherwise you will not get the quest even if you enter Elder Village.

Quest Name

Adventurer's Ultimate Strength

Visit Elder Village

Metal Heart:
Destiny Cube
(7 Days) x 1

First Job Change Promotion Cube x 1


(Base Character)
Adventurer's Choice Clear dungeons
within your level
range 10 times

2nd Job Class Change Ticket: Optimus
(7 Days) x 1
Rose 2nd Job (Storm Trooper, Crimson Rose or Freyja), Level 35 and above
Metal Heart: Destiny Cube: Cannot be traded, sold, stacked, or stored in Shared Bank.
First Job Change Promotion Cube: Cannot be traded or sold. Can be stack up to 100, can be stored in Shared Bank.
Second Job Change Ticket: Cannot be traded, sold, stacked, or stored in Shared Bank.

Cube Contents
Metal Heart: Destiny Cube

Level 15
Achievement Tome x 1

Metal Heart's Bullet x 1
First Job Change Promotion Cube
Level 15 Achievement Tome:
An item that advances character level 14 and below to level 15.
Cannot be traded, sold, stacked, or stored in Shared Bank.

Metal Heart's Bullet:
Level 15 Rose will immediately change to Metal Heart Job. Cannot be traded, sold, stacked, or stored in Shared Bank.

Rose players who are able to reach the Optimus path during the event will receive:

Optimus: Tactical Supplies Cube (7 Days) x 1
The cube contains the following items and players are able to acquire them all:

Ancient Fossil
Random (30 Days)
Cube (7 Days) x 1
Acquire randomly:

Summon Stone
(30 Days): Moby
Chariot RT
(7 Days)

Summon Stone
(30 Days):
Cockatigle (7 Days)

Summon Stone
(30 Days): Ancient
Phoru (7 Days)

Sage's Magic
Stone Jackpot
Cube (7 Days) x 1

Randomly acquire
1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 10, or 100
Sage's Magic

Rose's Succubus
Costume (30 Days)
Cube (7 Days) x 1

Senior Adventurer's
Equipment Cube
(7 Days) x 1

Enchanted Bullets
x 2

Advanced Adventurer
Equipment Cube x 1
+7 Senior Adventurer
Guns x 1
+7 Senior Adventurer
Top x 1
+7 Senior Adventurer
Bottom x 1
+7 Senior Adventurer
Gloves x 1
+7 Senior Adventurer
Shoes x 1
Unidentified Ancient Fossil Random (30 Days) Cube: Cannot be traded, sold, or stacked. Can be stored in Shared Bank
Rose Succubus Costume (30 Days) Cube: Cannot be traded, sold, stacked, or stored in Shared Bank.
Advance Adventurer Equipment Cube: yields Skilled Adventurer Equipment Cube. Skilled Adventurer Equipment Cube yields Expert Adventurer Equipment Cube. Expert Adventurer Equipment Cube yields Tactical Master's Equipment Cube. Cannot be traded, sold, stacked, or stored in Shared Bank.
Senior – Expert Adventurer's Weapon: Cannot be traded, sold, dismantled, sealed, or stored in Shared Bank. Can be enhanced.

Players level 10 and up will get more Enchanted Bullets when they complete
the conditions of this daily quest!
Quest Name

Amazing Item Support

Clear dungeons within your level range 4 times (Party with 2 or more people, and with a Metal Heart or Optimus)


Enchanted Bullets x 4

Throughout the event duration, players can enjoy
300% EXP on the weekends
starting from Friday to Sunday!

The 3x EXP Boost will be activated when you log-in and will last
for 3 hours! Don't dawdle, start grinding your gears now!

After collecting enough Enchanted Bullets,
look for Ariel to exchange them for the following rewards:

Enchanted Bullets RequiredRewards
3get one of the following at random:

Luriel's Complete Recovery Potion x 5
Resurrection Stone (x 5) Cube (7 Days) x 1
Secret Dungeon Coin Exchange x 1
Time and Space Element x 10
Time and Space Core x 10
Sage's Scroll (1 Day) x 1
Sage's Magic Stone x 1
Twisted Sage's Magic Stone x 1
Luriel's Ice Burner (1) Cube (1 Day) x 1
Luriel's Fossil Reader (7 Days) x 1
Rolling Thunder x 1
Rolling Thunder x 1
Physical & Magical Attack + 10 | Physical and Magical Defense + 10 | MP Recovery when attacked + 1% | Critical + 1% | All Resistance + 5
Sage's Scroll:Cannot be traded, sold, stacked or stored in Shared Bank.
Rolling Thunder: Cannot be traded, sold, dismantled or stored in Shared Bank.

Secret Dungeon Coin Exchange x 1
Elder Coin x 1
Bethma Coin x 1
Altera Coin x 1
Velder Coin x 1
Hamel Coin x 1
Sander Coin x 1

If you don't feel like doing the job change quests, you can become a Metal Heart or an Optimus as long as the job change conditions are met! You can look for these job change items at the Item Mall!

Metal Heart's Bullet
Must be level 15 or higher to use
200 K-Ching

Optimus' Stamp
Must be a Metal Heart to use
Level 35 or higher

400 K-Ching

Rose can change from one path to another using Class Change Tickets from the Item Mall
as long as path change conditions are met!

Metal Heart Class Change Ticket
1,800 K-Ching

Optimus Class Change Ticket
2,800 K-Ching