[Notice] [Announcement] Punky Poppet Skill Bug Fixed
Please take note that Punky Poppet’s Skill has been fixed. Please read on to find out more.
[Item Mall] Noah Motions: Elysion Tree & Glorious Statue
Tired of the hustle and bustle of everyday battles and running around Elrios? Let Noah relax! Appreciate the beauty of nature or just be still!
[Notice] October 5th Patch Notes
Read on to find out about bug fixes, game improvements, changes, and more!
Welcome to the World of Elrios
Step inside these magical lands where heroes known as the El Search Party traverses known and unknown paths to thwart the enemies that seek to destroy and bring corruption to the El. Play as one (or all) of the El Search Party members and uncover the mysteries that surround the land!

Character Overview
Lithia is a magician and treasure hunter, traveling solo to complete various tasks. Hired by the ‘Biological Resources Society’ to survey the newly uncovered capital of the Ancient Kingdom, Elrianode, she meets her childhood friend in Sander and they venture into unexplored ruins. During their expedition, Lithia encounters a wraith and becomes afflicted with a mysterious curse.

Explore character teasers, trailers, gameplay all in one place!